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Your navigating partner
in driving change

The Dutch have a history in pioneering since the VOC foundation. In 1617, one important tool to navigate the seas, was the “Seyn-letter”. In this letter, a new innovative route was described using the 38 degree latitude eastwards near the coast of Western Australia, resulting in a fast and efficient trade.

400 years later

SEYN°38 is founded by Marc Boer, inspired by the historical value of the “Seyn-letter”. With over 20 years experience, Marc’s expertise within SEYN°38 drives change for a solid organisation. Our services include:

• Interim (Project) Management
• Maintenance & Asset Management
• ERP & EAM implementation consulting
• Predictive Maintenance & Maintenance Optimalisation
• Innovative Maintenance solutions (IoT, Big Data etc.)

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Specialized in Interim and Asset Management, we handle and manage complex implementation projects. Collaborating with experts and partners to achieve maximum results, we are a reliable partner in determining the right course for the most effective solution.  

9 + 4 =

KvK. 69508259
Cornelis de Wittstraat 150 , 2582 CM, ‘s-Gravenhage

Call: + 31 (0)6 51 18 98 13